Tag Archive | fall

Throw Back Tues.- Two Out of Three Ain’t Bad

I know I usually do throw back stories on Thurs. but I wanted to post this one while I remembered it. Josh and I were shopping at a Wine and Beverage Store and he was actually the one who brought up this blog entry. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Bet you’re wondering why I am lying here on the garage floor in a puddle of wine (Bald Head Red to be exact). Well, if you know me well enough this might not seem so strange. I’ll explain anyway though. Let us review the past few weeks- Piper got sick, I closed my shop, a beloved teacher passed away, Memphis got sick with an unexplainable illness, and I am organizing a Natural Living Fair. During this time plenty of good things (more than bad things actually) happened as well, but they don’t explain the wine quite as nicely. Now that the wine makes sense, I have to try to explain the rest.
I wish there was some great event that took place. For example- I was walking into the garage when all of the sudden I was charged by a pink rhino. But that didn’t happen. So here it goes- the truth. I had gone out for a little time by myself. I was in a great mood. One my way home, I stopped by the store to pick up some wine. As I was leaving the store, the neatest storm was starting. The kind where you see the rain moving towards you before it gets to you. By the time I got home, it was pouring. My loving hubby comes out to help me inside. I take off running; wine in hand (still in the bag thank goodness). As I step into the garage, I realize water and flip flops don’t mix and I try to stop. Apparently inertia didn’t get the memo. Kaboom! Down I went, like a lead balloon. (Who buys a lead balloon anyway?) My feet decided it was a good time for a flight lesson and my head and back wanted to experience gravity at its best.
I interrupt this message for a message to my mom- Mom, I am OK. I didn’t even require a trip to the ER. Josh is taking good care of me. Now it was time to lie still and take inventory: a good case of whiplash- check, a bruised elbow-check, a broken right butt cheek- check, dog poo on my back (but most importantly not in my hair)- check, mental note to kill Pepe- check, dignity- oh crap where is that? I can’t seem to find it anywhere.
I am sorry to report one of the three bottles of wine didn’t fair as well as I did. But hey, two out of three ain’t bad.